New Delhi (Media Bureau) The absconding Vijay Mallya from India has received a major shock from the British court. In the extradition case, he is defeated. In such a situation the path to bringing Vijay Mallya to India has become clear. Controversial liquor businessman Vijay Mallya has filed an appeal in the British High Court against the order being handed over to India, which the court today rejected.
A two-member bench of the Royal Court of Justice Judge Stephen Irwin and Judge Elizabeth Long dismissed Mallya’s appeal in his ruling. Due to a lockdown caused by the coronavirus epidemic, this case was heard through video conferencing.
India is trying to hand over Vijay Mallya. Vijay Mallya has been in London for about five years, where he was being handled for extradition. The 13 Indian banks in Malaya owe about Rs 9,000 crore. The court of India has declared Mallya a dispute as an economic offender and has also initiated proceedings to seize his property in cases related to the Money Laundering Prevention Act (PMLA).