The family said the Rishi have left unforgettable memories for the family and the people

Chandigarh (Media Bureau) RISHI KAPOOR, beloved star of films such as Booby and chandi, died in a hospital in mumbai at age of 67 on Thruday. He fought a long battle with cancer and spent much of last year in new york being treated. A statement from the kapoor family said that the actor “remained jovial’’ and kept doctors  entained till the end. Rishi kapoor who was famously fond of life would like to be remembered with a smile and not with tears, The family have also appealed that lockdown rules be respected by Mr kapoors fans and well wishers .

Rishik Kapoor’s niece kareena kapoor and her husband saif ALI KHAN were pictured at hospital on Thrusday. Acteress Ali Bhatt’s car was filmed leavig the hospital it’s not clear if she was in it.

Conodolences were posted by presedent ram nath kovind and and Prime minister  NARENDRA MODI. He was so full of life that is difficult to believe that is no more tweet president kovid. PM modi described  mr kapoor as multi facted endearing and lively and said he would remember their social media intrections.

RISHI KAPOOR is survived by his wife neetu kapoor son rambir and daughter riddima. Last seen in the 2019 films the body and jhoota kahin kapoor was meant to star in a bollywood adaption  of the intern with deepika padukone.

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