Chandigarh/Pune (Media Bureau) Tuesday was a special day for doctors in Pune treating coronavirus disease (Covid-19) patients. There were two recoveries of patients whose contrasting ages stood out as a redeeming feature. A three-old toddler and her 92-year-old grandmother were discharged from Symbiosis Hospital and Research Centre after their second Covid-19 test came negative and on completion of the mandatory 14-day quarantine period.
“We thank hospital authorities for their efforts. Both the patients and have recovered and gone back home safely,” said Muralidhar Mohol, mayor, Pune Municipal Corporation.
In early April, the toddler and her grandmother, who live in Pune station area, were part of a 15-member family that tested Covid-19 positive. Their swab samples were sent for tests after one of the family members tested Covid-19 positive and died at Sassoon General Hospital on April 8. The deceased was in his 60s.
“It has been a twin tragedy for us. We lost one of our family members because of the viral infection, and all of us also tested Covid-19 positive. However, the Symbiosis hospital authorities took good care of us,” said one of the family members, who have recovered and discharged from the hospital.