Patiala (Arvinder Joshan) Patiala Police today launched a special awareness campaign in the district to carry out the Mission Fateh launched by Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh to check the spread of Corona virus. Giving this information, SSP Mr. Mandeep Singh Sidhu appealed to the people to take precaution against Corona virus and support Mission Fateh to prevent the epidemic of Covid-19.
SSP said that during special drive across the district at the level of police stations and police chowkis under the supervision of SP city Varun Sharma, SP HQ Navneet Bains, SP Investigation Harmeet Singh Hundal and SP Traffic Palwinder Singh Cheema, concerned DSPs and all the SHOs of police stations and police chowkis. The people were sensitized to avoid the corona virus. At every nakkah, police distributed masks to the people, who were without masks and also downloaded the Cova app in the mobile phones of the people.
SSP informed that the District Police issued a total of 4698 challans, till now for not wearing of the proper masks which yielded Rs. 17,74 Lakh in tune of fines while 74 challans worth Rs. 13500 were issued for spitting at public places and 2 for violating home quarantine, fine rs. 4000. He said that wearing mask is compulsory while journey, driving and going to a public place and spitting in open is prohibited according to the guidelines issued by government and health department.
SSP Mr. Mandeep Singh Sidhu said that District Police is rendering valuable service in ensuring the implementation of one of the most important objectives of ‘MISSION FATEH’ i.e. wearing of masks and spitting in accordance with the guidelines of the Government.
SSP Sidhu, while seeking support of public for adherence to all safety protocols, cooperation with the state government through compliance with the lockdown restrictions, stressed to make Mission Fateh successful.