Chandigarh (Media Bureau) The structure of Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) underwent major reshuffle on Thursday. Party President Sukhbir Singh Badal on Thursday released the list of new office bearers in which former core committee members Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa and Ranjit Singh Brahmpura have been replaced by other senior leaders due to their rebellion. According to the new list, the party’s general secretary Balwinder Singh Bhunder has been appointed, which was previously held by Rajya Sabha member Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa. On the other hand, Jagmeet Singh Brar, who returned home to the Akali Dal last year, has also got an important place in the Akali Dal. Mr. Sukhbir Badal has appointed Mr. Jagmeet Singh Brar as Senior Vice President of the party. Apart from this Jathedar Tota Singh, Nirmal Singh Kahlon, Charanjit Singh Atwal, Dr. Upinderjit Kaur, Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra, Maheshinder Singh Grewal, Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema, Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, Janmeja Singh Sekhon, Adesh Partap Singh Kairon, Naresh Gujral, Parkash Chand Garg, Harmanjit Singh Delhi and Harmeel Singh Tohra have been appointed as Senior Vice Presidents. Party treasurer NK Sharma has been appointed. Hira Singh Gabria and Manjinder Singh Sirsa have been included in the core committee as members. Gabria has been re-appointed president of the party’s BC wing. Mr. Sikander Singh Maluka has been appointed as the President of Kisan Wing and Coordinator of Employees Wing of the party. Youth leader Sarabjit Singh Sabi has been appointed Secretary General of Youth Akali Dal and Pawan Kumar Tinu has been appointed Secretary General of SC Wing of the party.