Patiala (Arvinder Joshan) The message of Punjab Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh to avoid coronavirus was being conveyed to every house in Patiala district through PCR team of Punjab Police. The PCR team has taken the awareness campaign of war mission victory against Kovid-19 to the general shops and workshops from the paddy cultivators to the service centers for their work and to the ration depots. At the same time, the Kova app developed by the government for the benefit of the people and for getting accurate information about Kovid-19 is also being installed in the mobile. This was stated by PCR Incharge Gurdeep Singh at a public meeting held by the PCR team at Tafzalpura Park as part of its daily public meeting. He said that people were also being appealed to create a new Punjab by supporting the administration in making Mission Fateh and drug free Punjab. More than 100 shopkeepers and residents of the area including Constable Ravinderpal Singh, ASI Gurmukh Singh, ASI Bhagwant Singh, ASI Jarnail Singh, Constable Gurbakhsh Singh, ASI Kuldeep Singh and other employees were present on the occasion.