Sangrur (Media Bureau) Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Bhagwant Mann said that no leader from his party is in touch with Navjot Singh Sidhu. He has asked Sidhu to clarify his stand on the news that the poll strategist Prashant Kishor has approached him to join AAP.On Friday, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said that Kishore denied that he had any discussion with Sidhu to take him to the Aam Aadmi Party before the 2022 elections in the state. Singh said that Sidhu is part of our party and he is in touch with our leadership in Delhi. He also said that such unfortunate things cause confusion.Mann also said that Sidhu Sahab should clear his stand on the issue. Asked a question about Sidhu during the communicative conference, Mann said he could clarify his stand on ‘Jeetga Punjab’ (YouTube channel).Mann said, “We have already clarified, neither our leaders in Delhi contacted him (Sidhu), nor have we made any contact with him.” However, Sangrur MP Mann said that if anyone wants to come unconditionally, you will be welcome.