Chandigarh (Media Bureau) Punjab Chief Electoral Officer Dr. S Karuna Raju said here today to avoid any kind of fraud in the name of voter, voter registration and any other amendment in the voter list, if anyone has to make or get any amendment in the voter list. If so, the information about it should be given to the CEO. Punjab website Dr. Raju said that it has come to his notice that in some states of India, some persons have come up with cases of cheating voters in the name of modifying the voter list by setting up fake websites and charging Rs 500 for correcting the names Are being taken. Keeping this matter in view, he appealed to the voters of the state of Punjab that if any eligible voter wants to avail any amendment in the voter list or other services related to voter lists, he can avail it through the Common Service Center established by the government. Rates range from Rs 1 to Rs 30 with GST ranging from 12 per cent to 18 per cent. Is applicable. Details of rates fixed for each service are available on the website of the Chief Electoral Officer, Punjab. He also said that the BLO There is no charge for using the services. The general public can avail this service free of cost by visiting the Election Commission of India’s portal http //: NVSP .9n and filling up an online form to create a new vote or make any amendment to the existing vote.