Chandigarh (Media Bureau) In another shocking news from Bollywood, Jagdeep has breathed his last on July 8 at the age of 81. The veteran actor has passed away due to age related issues and left the industry in a deep shock. His last rites were performed in presence in Mumbai in presence of family members. Several celebrities have mourned the demise of Jagdeep and have penned heartwarming tributes to the senior actor. Joining them, Dharmendra had also paid a tribute to Jagdeep. To note, the superstar had shared the screen with the late actor in 1975 release Sholay wherein Jagdeep was seen playing the role of Soorma Bhopali.
The veteran actor has been in a state of shock with Jagdeep’s demise. Calling it a heartbreaking incident, Dharmendra prayed for Jagdeep to rest in peace. Sharing his feelings on micro-blogging site Twitter, the Yamla Pagla Deewana actor stated, “tum bhi chale gaye…. sadme ke baad sadma….. Jannat naseeb ho….. tumhein. (You have left as well. Shock after shock. May you rest in peace).”
Meanwhile, several other celebrities have paid their condolences to Jagdeep. Ajay Devgn wrote, “Heard the sad news of Jagdeep Saab’s demise. Always enjoyed watching him on screen. He brought so much joy to the audience. My deepest condolences to Jaaved and all members of the family. Prayers for Jagdeep Saab’s soul.” Shilpa Shetty, who had shared the screen in Rishtey, shared a heartwarming post and wrote, “Extremely saddened by the news of Jagdeep ji’s demise.