Mrs. Parminder Kaur Manchanda, Project Director, Punjab Saket Hospital, Patiala and all the staff members continued their efforts to save the people from the epidemic of Corona Virus Are There, in the wake of the Corona epidemic, the slogan for the International Yoga Day was “Do Yoga, Stay Healthy,” said Mrs. Manchanda. Many yoga practices strengthen the entire respiratory system and increase competitiveness. This is the reason why corona patients all over the world are beating corona with the help of pranam.Yoga where corona is helping patients to be vaccinated as well as helping people deal with the growing stress and mental distress caused by the economic crisis and physical distance. It brings peace of mind. On Yoga Day, everyone was sanitized and keeping the other person in the forefront, this day was conducted by Yoga Teacher Azad to the patients and staff. On this occasion, Dr. Mandeep Singh, Dr. Farooqi and Vihan Center’s project coordinator also attended and shared ideas on how to fight the Corona epidemic and how to protect yourself from it. He said that with yoga not only the body is healthy but also the body and soul are working in harmony with the work and thought in the human being and nature. Our staff was present and they did the right thing.