Chandigarh (Media Bureau) The Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh High Courts are holding separate hearings in the High Court on the issue of private school fees during the lockdown. Haryana’s private schools have not received any immediate relief from the High Court. The High Court said the matter does not appear in the list of urgent cases so the matter will be heard on September 7. If they can, they will close the school,The court rejected the request of the private schools in which the schools had appealed to the court not to hear the case of the parents, the court said, adding that those who were most affected by the decision should not be heard.The Haryana government had directed that private schools could charge only tuition fees during the lockdown and no other charges, while the Haryana School Parents Welfare and other parents’ organization opposed the charging of fees from children during COVID-19. Although at the beginning of the lockdown, the Haryana government had stopped charging tuition fees, but later the state government reversed its decision and directed to charge tuition fees.