Patiala (Arvinder Joshan) Awareness campaign is being launched in all the technical education colleges of Patiala district under Mission Fateh to prevent Kovid-19. Led by Ravinder Singh Hundal, Principal, Govt. Polytechnic College for Girls and Nodal Officer, Technical Education Institutions of the district, the online webinar was made available to the staff and students to download the Cova Punjab app.On this occasion the nodal officer of Mission Fateh of the college Prof. Mr. Gurbakhshish Singh Antal said that all the polytechnic colleges in the district were encouraged by the Additional Director of the department Mr. Mohanveer Singh Sidhu to make Mission Fateh a success and all the staff and students were given the opportunity to download the Kova app. He said that the college has 200 NSS students. Volunteers have also received corona training through iGot. Mr. Ravinder Singh, Principal of the College informed that the Community Development Wing of the Government Polytechnic College and all the ITIs in the district were preparing and distributing cloth face masks. He said that for the success of Mission Fateh, the students of every technical education institute in the district have been downloaded the Kova app and they are being motivated for the Fateh Warriors Mission. Students are being sensitized for the success of Mission Fateh through poster painting, slogan, essay and poetry competitions. He said that in collaboration with the district administration and the municipal corporation, 5,000 face masks have been prepared and distributed by the students of the college.