Patiala (Arvinder Joshan) The District Police under the guidance of the SSP Mr. Mandeep Singh Sidhu, is rendering valuable service in ensuring the implementation of one of the most important objectives of ‘MISSION FATEH’ i.e. wearing of masks and spitting in accordance with the guidelines of the Government.
SSP Sidhu, while seeking support of public for adherence to all safety protocols, cooperation with the state government through compliance with the lockdown restrictions, stressed to make Mission Fateh successful. SP city Mr Varun Sharma was also present with SSP. SP City informed that the District Police issued a total of 2723 challans for not wearing of the proper masks which yielded Rs. 7,86,400 while 62 challans worth Rs. 7500 were issued for spitting at public places. Mr Varun said that Patiala Police is also on high alert to enforce night curfew from 9pm to 5am, while police issued 11147 challans and 763 vehicles impounded so far for violating traffic rules.