Chandigarh (Media Bureau) The Captain’s Government has tightened its grip on the growing cases of corona virus in Punjab. To curb the spread of Kovid-19, the government has directed to crack down on those entering Punjab from other states. Strict instructions have been issued to check those coming to Punjab from other states especially Delhi. In fact, a large number of vehicles are entering the state daily from Haryana and Delhi. As many as 6,500 vehicles entered Punjab on Friday. With this about 20,000 new people have come to Punjab. The Captain said in a video conferencing that Punjabis coming from abroad are welcome in Punjab for treatment. Following the resurgence of corona virus in Punjab, the state government is once again on high alert. The Captain said that apart from the arrival of people from Dubai and other places to Amritsar, the journey of trains also ends here. Therefore more cases are increasing in Amritsar, Jalandhar and Ludhiana.